
广州正艺成立自2007年,前身为香港骏艺设计事务所。多年的设计服务工作经验让正艺团队成为艺术家和工程师的结合体,设计的产品务求既实用,又极具创意和艺术品位同时符合成本。公司成立以来为各大制造企业设计了很多优秀的产品,成功推出市场项目超过1000个,类别包括消费电子产品,家用品,家电,玩具以及仪器类产品等,其中不少产品效果显著,为企业发展提供强大的助力. 另外,除了市场的认同,在专业技术方面,广州正艺多次获得全球最高级别以及国内最高级别的产品设计奖项:多个德国红点奖以及中国红星奖的金奖等.

在市场竞争激烈的今天,企业要凭产品获胜绝非靠运气,好产品的开发和设计必须洞悉市场而又立足于企业具体情况,既要东西漂亮又要符合成本...在经过无数个产品设计项目的历练后,广州正艺的产品设计经验可以按照各种需求提供设计服务,能为您做到策略性的新产品设计配套. 漂亮的产品设计方案随处可见,然而既漂亮又符合企业操作的方案就要量身定做, 我们不仅仅提供漂亮的设计图,而更致力于为企业设计出赢得市场的产品.

LOGIART DESIGN provides you professional product design service! LOGIART(GZ) was established from a design house in HongKong in 2007.As a professional designer and engineer team, our design is not only creative but also easy to produce with reasonable cost. There are more 1000 products designed by LOGIART on the global market till now, including consumer electronic,houseware,household appliances,toy and instrument,and most of these products are very successful and benefit. Beside the comercial market, we also won some design awards in the domain field such as Red dot, Red Star,CEID and so on.A successful product should have full scale competitive advantage, it's needed by the market and it's suitable to the enterprise develop strategy.Also,it's good looking and it's easy to make out. As a experienced design team ,LOGIART knows what kind of new product you need, we can provide you a specific targeted design solution based on your situation and design a good product for you at the end.                                         .    



Adding more value to the product by design, that's our working philosophy. High value is the strong reason to make a product hot saled in the market. During the design process,we try to add more value as we can to a new product, and always by way of outlook design,function integration,structure design,cost down design,product optimize,R&D managment and so on. In every design case,we study the existing product,the market and the client enterprise,and provide a best design service based on these three situation.